The Beginning point is the most crucial realization in almost every undertaking. In this blog I set out an attempt to describe Realist Psychology in a step by step manner, attempting to write for a non-technical, non-specialized audience, that is the citizen who can read and reason autonomously.
The pychology itself is not original to this writer, and in fact, a great number of psychologies have set out on the same path: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas. Scholars associated with the critical Realism of the Neo-Thomist stamp. Evenso, the beginning has its own appeal.
The beginning is present in this moment for any who would reflect upon it---the writing medium is as magic since the words gather meaning even in far off times. It is addressed to this reader: you are wanting to know what is "really real" what is in fact the case, not only in some partial sense, but in a complete and total way a grasping for a knowing and a true knowing.
Can somebody be preposterous enough to say that they could teach the 'truth'? Could they be as bold, vain or messianic?
Is it possible for one, individual being to in fact know?To know a falling leaf? To know in such a way that they really grasped, and had in fact seen the actual state of affairs which contained this phenomenon, or happening.
Things that Happen
'Happen' does not seem like a very important word, in fact its sounds dilute, a helper verb at best. Somehow little words and helper verbs reveal best the challenge of attempting to think through to the essence the nature of things that 'happen'
What is it 'to happen'? To happen means to come into being, to come forward in the nature of things, so as to 'stand out' and announce its being to our gaze which holds this falling leaf.
The photo captured the 'happening' of this event or 'being'---the phenomenon which the expression 'falling leaf' names.
Along the path of the production of this message let us consider the crucial and real steps by which this was brought forward.
Implicit in this the question as to whether the author can be relied upon? Can the narrator be trusted?
I for my part address you my reader with a great deal of respect because I believe that you have honestly and with authentic sense of wonder stumbled into this line of thinking that I am recording.
Back to the point! 'To happen' names what comes forward as 'world' or 'experience of world'. All that comes into being, stands there and passes away must, first of all, happen! What a fruitful term. It is the source of the flow of being. What an odd sounding expression! "Source of flow of being." It is redundant! Still, it seems reasonable that that words cannot hold a torch to real things. And it is a 'real thing' investigating the very question, hence, the common denominator is based on reality, and not on verbal language.